Whatsapp Web API  1
Whatsapp api


This is an api made for automating Whatsapp behaviour

possible uses for this API:

Terms of Use


Step 1: Cloning the repository

This can be done by simply going to https://github.com/IwraStudios/Whatsapp-Bot and clicking clone or download and downloading the zip file

On linux machines it can be easier to do (although you won't have VS so how does that work?)
git clone git@g.nosp@m.ithu.nosp@m.b.com:IwraStudios/Whatsapp-Bot.git
git clone github.com/IwraStudios/Whatsapp-Bot.git

Step 2: Intergrating it into your own project

Method 1:

Assuming you already have an VS C# project just right click on: Solution "your_project", in Solution Explorer
going to "Add >" and choosing existing project, then navigate to Whatsapp-Bot-master\WebWhatsappAPI\WebWhatsappAPI.csproj
and clicking "Open"
Now you can add it as a refrence by right-clicking Refrences in your project, going to Projects and checking the checkmark
Aaaand your done.

Method 2:

As an alternative method you can open the project WhatsappBot.sln or WebWhatsappAPI.csproj and building it
Then you can copy the .dll's and .exe's from WebWhatsappAPI\*\bin\*.dll and WebWhatsappAPI*\bin\*.exe
after you have done all that you can add the dll's as a refrence by going to refrences (right-click), clicking browse and going to the dll's
when building your project you will have to either:
copy the exe's to the %*\bin\ directory of your project
Adding a build step that does this for you

Step 3: Using it

I could write an whole article about how to use the api but that is why these docs exist
If you don't know how to do something look at the examples or the api docs
If you, after you did that, still don't know how to do something go to https://github.com/IwraStudios/Whatsapp-Bot/issues and create a new issue